Saturday, April 12, 2008

Youth today.

One thing I find amazing about being a 30something spankophile is all the young blood on the block. When I was a young turk, spanking simply wasn't discussed outside of furtive viewings of "McClintock" or "All of Me." (Boy, did I rewind and rewatch the scene in the latter film quite often.)

But now we've got the likes of Samantha Woodley:

As well as her coterie of friends and associates, such as Sierra, Lizzy, and Pixie, just to name a few off the top of my head.

Do we like these young ladies? Oh, we do. And the only problem?

Where were they when I was that age? The spank-friendly girls were hiding behind their pleated skirts and knee-high socks, completely disguising their true nature! And we had no Internets to help ferret them out.

Boy, and I thought growing up in the '80s was bad just because you had to listen to Wham! over and over.

Ironically, it looks as thought Sam is about to listen to a very different kind of Wham! over and over. Choose Ice!

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