Saturday, April 12, 2008

Slappe stick

Here's a drawing I scanned from a pin-up bondage book called, and I'm not making this up, "Haunted House of Lingerie."

I know that it's bad form to subject true works of art to dry academic scrutiny, but I'm afraid I have to ask a series of questions that are keeping me up at night:
  • The Headmaster's name is "Slappe"? What is the likelihood of a spanking Headmaster actually having the name "Slappe"?
  • If the Headmaster is apparently a ghost, what did he die of? Bad clothes and hair?
  • How can he grip that paddle (and use it) if he is, in fact, a ghost?
  • What exactly is the schoolgirl looking at that's so naughty? A man's nipple? What would happen to her if she was caught looking at two nipples?
Oh well. I suppose too much analysis really does ruin the effect. I still think an art critic could write a veritable thesis about this, though.

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