I learned recently that some well-known spanking models aren't allowed to use their famous "stage names" when they work at other companies, presumably because that model's brand is too important to use in service of the competition. For this reason, Kailee from Real Spankings shot under the name "Christine" when she worked for Girls Boarding School.
I mean--Christine? Christine is not that girl's name. Christine is the name of an evil car from Stephen King. Kailee is Kailee. Except, y'know, for the fact that it's not actually her name.
It seems to me that spanking companies using the model's "brand name" should be a lot like bloggers linking to each other. It doesn't decrease your own brand or awareness; rather, it shows a sense of community as people in the industry share the same talent and all gain together from that model's fan base. Models should be encouraged to keep their stage names, not change them.
I did some investigating, and realized that several well-known models have also been forced to change their names when they work for different companies--and frankly, I'm just aghast.
For example, Amber Pixie Wells has been shooting under the name Condoleeza Rice.
Really, I think things have gone too far when a well-known model has to assume the identity of the Secretary of State. It's also unfair--I really wouldn't mind seeing Condi spanked for most of her policies, but this is pure deception--a bait and switch. I don't blame Pixie but c'mon, let's stop the madness.
And then there's Lizzy Madison, who has been shooting under the identity of the Marvel Comics superhero, Iron Man:
"Hey, I might as well protected my butt if I'm forced to be someone else," Lizzy has been reported saying. "Good luck spanking me through all that armor."
And finally, Sierra Salem has been shooting under the name...uh...Sierra Salem.
"It's my real name," Sierra says. "My parents liked trees. I also have a brother named Juniper and a third cousin named Eucalyptus."
I also have unsubstantiated reports that Samantha Woodley is shooting under five different names at the same time for an artsy erotica video called "Spanking Sybil: Curing Multiple Personality Disorder through Corporal Punishment."
(P.S. Okay, I'm new at this blogging thing so I've gotta check--everyone knows that I'm kidding and made up all these model quotes, right? Just making sure. Being sued for character defamation is the bad kind of disciplinary action.)
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